What do I have to do???
Well sometimes I do wonder whether or not luck is on my side or just simply deserts me when I need some the most!!After playing an extremely well disiplined game in a tournament on poker.com today i was chipleader with 56000 chips and 2-1 chip leader but then disaster strikes.
In just 3 hands i was busted out!!
It started with someone re-raising me all in when i was holding A-T s so i called the re-raise and the player in question flipped over Q-2 off so I was chuffed as i was majorly in the lead.
Then disaster strikes a 2 on the river, bad beat city is the way that hit!!
So i was pondering who in there right mind would risk 15000 chips with Q-2 off?
As i have found out recently there are a lot of players who will risk a large percentage or even all of there stack with what can only be described as rag hands!!
The other 2 hands i lost where simply the result of poor play on my behalf and I fully admit I was being foolish.
Busted after being in such a dominating position is a bit of a blow, but I would call that re-raise time and time again, knowing that its a 2-1 favorite.
So for now I'm going to reevaluate what mistakes I made and get it sorted so it doesn't happen again!!
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